So I don’t its just me being stupid (which happens) I love the Mutiny layout when I was using Ubuntu MATE 16.06 LTS but I decided to stop using Ubuntu MATE and go to Peppermint OS 7. Then I notice I miss using Ubuntu MATE so I decided to install Ubuntu 16.10 instead of 16.04 LTS. Ubuntu MATE 16.04 had it were if you using the Mutiny look you’ll able to pin Icons and move them by right clicking the icon and click move up or down. Now on Ubuntu MATE 16.10 I don’t see that anymore only thing I see is I can pin it. I also saw move so I unlock the dock and click move but it move all of them. I want to move an icon because for me I put my web browser up top, file manger on second, and terminal on third. So am I being stupid that I should click on this so I can move them how I want theme to be or is there no way I can do that, if so I might go back to 16.04. Thank You!