Ubuntu 18.04 LTS - 10-year support!

What are your thoughts on Ubuntu 18.04 with a 10-year support lifespan?

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I am almost 98% that he is referring on the server side not on the desktop.

I’m also pretty sure it is Server. It’s not new - I could pay for support of my old 12.04 Server (32-bit BTW) if I wanted but it does backups so well I’m in no hurry.

Here’s what I see every time I ssh to it:


But no one is clarifying! Crap reporting? Canonical silent while planning damage control? Judge for yourself:

To get some official reaction we have two things:

  1. question on AskUbuntu “What are the specifics of 18.04’s ten year support?” asked by muru
  2. my bug 1803786 report against ubuntu-support-status (" ubuntu-support-status should report 10 years of support for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS")

It is still unclear about the desktop. Waiting for reaction from Canonical staff.