Ubuntu 20.04.1 dual boot windows on Huawei Matebook D15

This is not an help or support request, but I didn't know where to post it.
This is to say thousand times thanks to you guys for your great job.
I got a Huawei laptop Matebook D15, Ryzen 5, 8 Gb RAM, 256 GB nvme disk with windows 10. I was unsure if formatting or make a dual boot, finally I decided for dual boot.
Knowing all the problems of windows mbr and other stuff I red a couple of tutorials and many guides and opinions.
Ok, we go! I Booted the machine form Ubuntu Mate 20.04.1 usb live, started the installation, marked the partition where to install..... some more stuff like my personal info, keyboard and time zone... about 9 minutes working.... "The installation is complete. Please reboot"!
I was attonished: Finished? I just pressed Enter a few times! Nothing more!
YES, everything was working, even dual boot: no one single problem.

I repeat: 1,000 times thanks for your great job.


smurf, I thought your post would fit better in the Thoughts & Feedback category. I hope you agree.

Thanks for posting your thoughts.

Yes, I agree. Thanks for moving it.

hi @smurf ,
i have a problem with my installation on my huawei matebook D15, because the no audio comes out of the speakers, did u have a similar problem at some point?
thank you for ur time

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Welcome, @chill to the community!

Thank you very much @Bombilla !!

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Hi chill,
actually no, I had no problem with audio when I installed Mate on my Huawei D15, but I know that Pulseaudio is quite tricky.
First of all install the package pulseudio-utils if is not already installed sudo apt install pulseaudio-utils, that package is requested for some app like Zoom and in general facilitate the conection of Pulseaudio to your HW.
Then, take care in pulseaudio settings that the correct input and output devices are selected.


As you can see in the image you can switch off the cards you don't want to use.
Hope to have helped u.