i dowonlaed iso from https://releases.ubuntu-mate.org/archived/14.04/amd64/ubuntu-mate-14.04.2-LTS-desktop-amd64.iso
it gave me error "invalid or currpt kernel image"
please resolve this issue .
thank you
Welcome @rao_mohsin to the community!
Hi, @rao_mohsin
(Usual disclaimer: please note that I'm just another Forum user here, I'm NOT an Ubuntu Developer and/or Ubuntu MATE Developer).
First of all - and I really hope that you don't mind me asking - but I must admit that I'm curious: why are you trying to install Ubuntu MATE 14.04.2 LTS ("Trusty Tahr") which is about 9 years old, now? The initial version of Ubuntu MATE 14.04 was released on November 2014:
Having said that, the ISO image that you've mentioned - https://releases.ubuntu-mate.org/archived/14.04/amd64/ubuntu-mate-14.04.2-LTS-desktop-amd64.iso - seems to be fine. I say that because:
1 - The SHA256 hash sum of the ISO file matches the content of https://releases.ubuntu-mate.org/archived/14.04/amd64/ubuntu-mate-14.04.2-LTS-desktop-amd64.iso.sha256 :
$ sha256sum ubuntu-mate-14.04.2-LTS-desktop-amd64.iso
a5033d50c5bd2ffcfd5a0da0e0e740502b342eb7a5099fceeff406267bf4a372 ubuntu-mate-14.04.2-LTS-desktop-amd64.iso
$ wget -O- -q https://releases.ubuntu-mate.org/archived/14.04/amd64/ubuntu-mate-14.04.2-LTS-desktop-amd64.iso.sha256
a5033d50c5bd2ffcfd5a0da0e0e740502b342eb7a5099fceeff406267bf4a372 ./14.04/amd64/ubuntu-mate-14.04.2-LTS-desktop-amd64.iso
2 - To further diagnose, I've just tried to install a Ubuntu MATE 14.04.2 LTS, using that same ISO file, to create a VirtualBox VM, and I booted the VM from that ISO file, installed Ubuntu MATE 14.04 on the VM's virtual disk and the VM booted correctly after the installation.
Maybe your download of the ISO file got interrupted at some point?
I just d/l 14.04.2 from your link and it matches the corresponding sha256sum
$ sha256sum ubuntu-mate-14.04.2-LTS-desktop-amd64.iso
Hi Ricmarques,
Thank you for your reply. Could you please upload that video on youtube, in which you download iso from my given link and successfully install ubuntu mate 14?
i did not get any error from my download manager it successfully downloaded the iso
thank you,
hi pavlos,
could you please mount the file
casper/filesystem.squashfs on your dirve?
i am also unable to mount this file
Using my VM 22.04 I d/l mate 14.04.2
from the file manager, right click on the icon, Open with > Mate Disk image mounter
my screenshot:
$ mkdir rao
$ sudo mount /media/user/MATE_14042/casper/filesystem.squashfs -t squashfs -o loop /home/user/rao
$ ls rao
bin boot dev etc home initrd.img lib lib64 media mnt opt proc root run sbin srv sys tmp usr var vmlinuz
my iso is currpt. i am downloading again. thank you
Just another thought, what did you do after downloading the iso and received the error message above. Are you using a usb to install? if so maybe this: usb size too small
I don't understand why you will use so old a version of ubuntu mate.
I'm using UM 22.04.3 and my post was addressing OP's question based on limited information I had. But if refering to OP's use the question was asked/not answered in post 2 by @ricmarques. If so there can be various reasons for choice of OS. Area Internet may not be reliable or affordable based on usage. Friends may all be using version. New user that does not understand benefit of new version. I have 10gb. service where when I hit limit it shifts to 16Kps speed to the end of the billing cycle, thus if I want to download the newest at 3.5gb might have to put off till end of bill cycle to have data available for other uses. Image shows difference in size. Remember when way back it would fit on CD.
Similar case may be why many $MS users are still using XP. That is what choice is about.