Ubuntu MATE 15.10.1 on f2fs filesystem image for NOOBS 8GB micro-sd

I’ve made an image of the normal Ubuntu MATE 15.10.1 for Raspbery Pi but using the f2fs filesystem. Everything else is identical to the normal image. Because you can not resize a f2fs filesystem you will need a NOOBS 8GB micro-sd card to use this image. This image may also work on other 8GB micro-sd cards.

The f2fs file system should extend the life of your micro-sd card. As a bonus, it is also often faster. It is purpose built for flash. I have found it to be very reliable.

The exact same install instructions apply. Basically download, and then:
unxz ubuntu-mate-15.10.1-desktop-armhf-raspberry-pi-2-f2fs.img.xz
sudo ddrescue -d -D --force ubuntu-mate-15.10.1-desktop-armhf-raspberry-pi-2-f2fs.img /dev/sdX

You can download the torrent from here:
Ubuntu Mate 15.10.1 on f2fs filesystem for NOBS 8GB micro-sd

The original install instructions for Ubuntu MATE on Raspberry Pi can be found here:
Ubuntu MATE for the Raspberry Pi


I use the Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker to make f2fs images for my Pi 2. f2fs is faster and if f2fs could be resized, I’d make it the default.

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The F2FS is faster for sure on flash based disks, however one important caveat I’ve found from several sources is that it cannot be resized yet (as in the described use case found) :frowning:

The issue about resizing is very true. That’s why I say the specific disk and size I made it for. I chose the NOOBS disk this time as I think it is very common and this lets people try it out.

I have released a newer 16.04 image now.