Ubuntu MATE 15.10.3 on f2fs filesystem image for NOOBS 8GB micro-sd

I’ve made an image of the normal Ubuntu MATE 15.10.3 for Raspbery Pi but using the f2fs filesystem. Everything else is identical to the normal image. Because you can not resize a f2fs filesystem you will need a NOOBS 8GB micro-sd card to use this image. This image may also work on other 8GB micro-sd cards.

The f2fs file system should extend the life of your micro-sd card. As a bonus, it is also often faster. It is purpose built for flash. I have found it to be very reliable.

The exact same install instructions apply. Basically download, and then:
unxz ubuntu-mate-15.10.3-desktop-armhf-raspberry-pi-2-f2fs.img.xz
sudo ddrescue -d -D --force ubuntu-mate-15.10.3-desktop-armhf-raspberry-pi-2-f2fs.img /dev/sdX

You can download the torrent from here:
Ubuntu Mate 15.10.3 on f2fs filesystem for NOBS 8GB micro-sd67

The original install instructions for Ubuntu MATE on Raspberry Pi can be found here:
Ubuntu MATE for the Raspberry Pi

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