Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Beta 2 for the +Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 will be available soon!

We finally have Wifi and Bluetooth working on the Raspberry Pi 3. The screenshot below shows an internal test build on a Pi 3 which is connected to an Android phone via Bluetooth to share the phones Internet connection.

We have a few minor kinks to work out before a beta image will be made public.


Thanks so much for the update Wimpy

Excellent work and thank you. Will an automatic file system resizing function be part of the release?

@BobMarso Yep! There's a new button in Welcome to do the resizing:

Reboot and the job's done!

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Awesome, thanks so much for the continued work. Just for my own interest, has there been any concern about the overheating with your Pi3? Mine is getting extremely hot and I’m trying to find out why, or what is going on. I fortunately bought the heat sinks with it, but it still gets hot enough to easily burn skin(and destroy data on the micro sdcard and usb sdcards).

I keep hoping that there is a software fix for this, but I’m starting to think it may be a problem with the Pi3 itself. I’ll be starting a new topic on this, but I doubt it belongs here in the MATE forums.

Anyway, thanks for reading, reply would be great. I understand if this gets removed since it is moving to another topic.

i made a few 16.04 with the pi flavour maker