I had UM beta 2 set up and installed…Installation on the new 10.10.10 was so easy…It gave me the option to re install UM 10.10.10 and that is the option I selected because it said that it wouldn’t bother most of my files. After it was done, a pop up told me that it couldn’t retrieve some of my programs and that I would have to reinstall them…So I went to the software boutique and installed my missing programs. And, as if magic, after they were installed, My same settings were still there…W O W ! Even on Docky…Exactly the same as I left it!
Ubuntu MATE 10.10.10 never existed. You mean 16.10?
Woah…thanks for noticing. Just goes to show my hand doesn’t know
what my brain is thinking. Yes, It’s 16.10.10
@HumpDumpy You made me laugh, thanks
I don’t know where you get your numbers from. But just as @lah7 points out the versioning scheme of Ubuntu MATE is very straight-forward.
There is Ubuntu MATE 16.04 (Xenial) released April 2016
There is Ubuntu MATE 16.10 (Yakkety) released October 2016
So you have the year (16) and the month (like 04 for Xenial).
There are no additional numbers. So 10.10.10 and 16.10.10 don’t exist in this reality.
It would be cool though because Shuttleworth thought of Ubuntu 10.10 (released October 2010) as the perfect “10”.
In fact it was released on the 10th of October 2010 so this is the closest to 10.10.10 you’ll ever get. And maybe this was the best standard Ubuntu release ever, because it was the last one with Gnome 2.
Hi mrtribute…I got the number at the bottom of the Software Boutique. At the bottom it says
Version 16.10.10
OK, that explains it. I now understand that this number can be misleading because it’s right in front of your eyes. Usually software versions are found by clicking Help or About.
This number is the version of the Software Boutique. The Software Boutique updates often (if you subscribe to Software Boutique updates).
I think the Boutique version is the Ubuntu MATE version (in this case 16.10) plus another number for just the Boutique.
So it’s version 10 of the Software Boutique for Ubuntu MATE 16.10.