Ubuntu Mate 24.04 Compiz not working Properly

Dear Community and Ubuntu Mate Creator.

Am writer with sadness for installing this version Ubuntu Mate 24.04LTS. I thought upgrading to 22.04LTS will be better and experiencing new features.

In fact, I was so happy with my Distro 22.04LTS version with compiz manager compatibility and effects working like a charm no issues no error messages and no blinking screen.

Since moving to Ubuntu 24.04LTS. Compiz is not working properly after installation as well as log out session, when I return, display is not working properly. Panel is not showing and so on. So I have to change to Macro Xrender and change Panel settings to get back to normal screen.

Display is always blinking without any reason.

As I explained on other thread, on screen keyboard is not functioning at all.

Why did you release this version from the first place if there is going to be a lot of errors.

And why For Crying Out Loud compiz is not working in this version, unlike previous one working like a charm.

Customizing and tuning our Distro makes it distinguish from Boring Windows with it's dull, no life Desktop.

Am really sad and regret choosing this distro 24.04LTS, 22.04LTS is way better.

I hope in the next update will fix these errors and please Ubuntu Mate, Let compiz return back and work properly.

First Picture using Marco Xrender

Second Picture when trying to use Compiz and logout - login

You're not the only one. I can't copy/paste my response due to restrictions in the forum engine but I can lead you to it:


Thank you my friend for your reply.

Just to draw your attention that second screen is taken when I switched to compiz. Even I have a video boot when firing up or loging in, it did not show the video only sound. When I go back to Xrender the video boot appears normally.

I just wish they only changed version number and kept same features like 22.04LTS.

What a mess.


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Hi, @Salah :slight_smile:

Regarding this particular problem you're having:

... you may want to check the following recent post written by @tkn (maybe it helps you!):


Thank you for your reply, but it did not work. Tried shifting between both Intel/Nvidia without any progress, just blinking. I did not face this in previous version.

I even install HWE which seemed not installed by default, nothing happen.


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Same with me. Currently I have 3 similar workstations all with Ubuntu Mate. The last one with 22.04 has compiz working properly, its so fun to work with it. Another I that I upgraded to 24.04 has the same probs as mentioned above and the last one which I completely set up with a new 24.04 install, uhh same issue.

So now I am really close to set up my home workstation new with the previous version 22.04 to get compiz to work again, and I will hesitate to upgrade as long as possible :man_shrugging:

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Hi, @adonis404 and welcome to the Ubuntu MATE Community!

(this is also directed at @Salah)

If you are on an nVidia GPU that worked with 22.04 but is blinking on 24.04 regardless of which compositor you are using: Tough luck, there is no known solution other than trying a different nVidia driver or switch nouveau.

If you are on an Intel GPU that worked with 22.04 but is blinking on 24.04 regardless of which compositor you are using try this:

sudo pluma /etc/default/grub

and change this


into this:

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash intel_iommu=igfx_off"

save and afterwards issue this command

sudo update-grub

and reboot.


If you don't have the forementioned flashing problem but Compiz panel does not show up: Remove "picom" from the autostart menu.


Yes buddy, that "picom" think did it! Even after reverting to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"

Thank you so much!!! Do you have paypal? This means so much to me, even Chatgpt did not know and presented a lot of not working stuff. And now it was so easy, damn :smiley:


You have @MaxTechnics to thank for that, it was his golden discovery that everyone was waiting for. Many mails have been spent on this subject. :smiling_face:
He deserves all the honor, and he might even have a PayPal account :wink:


You are amazing, FINALLY I have solved Compiz & blinking problem in my Laptop.

Thumbs Up man


Man I was unaware of how much this seemed to be an issue. I'm glad I made an account for that, and that my tinkering around got to solve an issue like that. Enjoy your Compiz everyone!


Thanks for the tip.. you do not know how paying the but was when moving from one version to another and COMPIZ is not working :hot_face:.

I have used tkn's advice regarding modifying the grub and yours as well.

Thanks again for reviving Ubuntu Mate from being plastic to being ALIVE.
