Ubuntu MATE 24.10 translation

I've just tried the beta ISO and I noticed that the new installer doesn't ship the newest translations available.
Is it just the translations or the flutter has not been updated for this release?
Who to contact to ask for a synchro with the weblate translations?


We're hours away from release, so its too late now for 24.10 I believe; you can view the state at this page where you'll know Ubuntu-MATE is already marked 'Ready'... Changes would require work, new ISOs then new testing etc.. Further changes would impact not just Ubuntu MATE as that installer is used by many flavors and Ubuntu Desktop themselves.

I'll provide this link that maybe helpful - Translations for the new installer - Translation - Ubuntu Community Hub but please note I know nothing about translations, so I cannot help further sorry.


Is there a mechanism, already in use, to broadcast to the UbuntuMATE community, the stage at which they can perform a sanity check, on the various packages of interest to them, before that ISO build which precludes (locks-out) such Community input, which would ensure packages are not shipped in the condition flagged by @ensag-dev ?

If so, may I ask that someone provide the link here?

Is the date of availability for such Community review the same for all packages that will be included into the planned release?

Also, for general awareness, how long is that "window of opportunity" for such Community feedback?

Presumably, we are referring to Post-Beta testing of candidate packages. Is the mechanism for downloading such "release-ready" candidates consistent for all such (presumably Debian-related) packages, and again for all snap-related packages ?

Hi, @ericmarceau!

Ubuntu release schedules are a public thing.

In this particular case, the installer translations fall into the "Non Language Pack Translation" category, so the deadline was on September, 26th.


Thank you, @ironfoot. Much appreciated.

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Hello you all!
Happy to see people interesseted in localisation!
The deadline was 03/10/2024 for the translations.
Translations for my languages were made before the deadline, in September. But if I have a look at the github the synchronization only took place 8 of October: GitHub - canonical/ubuntu-desktop-provision: Ubuntu Desktop Provision
I must try Ubuntu without flavour to see if the installer integrates the latest translations, else it's no respect for translators...