Hello, the other day I saw that my mom has the same emoticons (the little orange guys) that are available on this forum, I was like “WHAT ? I need those on my phone!”. She has a Motorola G phone. I tried installing the same virtual keyboard (google keyboard) but they don’t come packaged with.
I figured the these emoticons must be Open Source icons for both a linux forum and a Google/Moto to use them. I can’t seem to find information on this specific emoticon pack on google (or I’m not good at googling, I don’t know…).
If I’m not mistaken those are the Google hangout emojis.
You can clone that repo to get the icons, not sure how to get them to your phone though.
Alright I’m getting somewhere, thank you @ouroumov
It is the google hangouts emoji set.
I found out one needs to be rooted to change emoji sets (I have a Samsung Note III, rooted, fortunately)
You could install Google Keyboard on the Android device.
Then hold the Enter key to reveal the 's!
Sadly it didn’t work, can’t use the orange guys even with this keyboard as default. Samsung in it’s infinite wisdom seems to have made it so their emoji set overwrites standard ones !
PS : It seems last update on my phone disabled root, so I’m SOL (don’t want manual root again, it was a pain last time) !
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