Ubuntu MATE Donates Money to a Project That Helped Them with Features

You, the Ubuntu MATE community, are helping the projects we depend on.

Thanks to Silviu Stahie from Softpedia for highlighting our, albeit small, donations to other projects.


I’m pleased to see that despite the very positive responses to the latest Ubuntu MATE versions, you guys (the main devs) keep your head cool and remember that, despite all your hard work that makes this distro what it is, most of it is taken from other open source projects, small or big.
This does not change the distro itself, maybe, but it makes me for sure feel confortable in this community and motivates me for donating a bit of my time/work and a bit of my money for it. Thank you guys for leading by example.


That’s fabulous @Wimpy. As a patron I’m really pleased with sharing to worthy projects.

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Happy to see my dollars going to other good projects…maybe I will have to up my patreon amount.


I was thinking the same when I just listened to Linux unplugged.

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