Ubuntu Mate gets buggy using NVIDIA driver

My laptop has an hybrid GPU (a Intel and a NVIDIA GT 740M One), and I tried to switch the driver for the NVIDIA one instead of the noveau (which uses the intel GPU)

However when I do that, Ubuntu gets weird and the windows start to leave a "trail", like this:

(I tried to take a screenshot but it didn't worked at that time)

My settings are like this (sorry it isn't in english):

I'm switching back to the noveau for the time being... But I wanted a way to use the Nvidia card properly, I've seen it working in other Ubuntu-based distros in a laptop same as mine :frowning:

have you tried the nvidia one with the updates?

Tried now… The “trails” happen less but still happens… And some bugs happens on Virtualbox that didn’t happen on Noveau, but works better.

Also, I still have screen tearing on Kodi, I thought that changing the driver would fix :frowning:

If you have screen tearing, if you haven’t already done it, go into system/preferences/mate tweak and go to the “windows” tab. Then tick “compositing”. That may help.

The default compositor will be Marco. But, you should be able to change it, in the “windows” tab, in Mate Tweak to “Compiz”. Screen tearing is supposed to be much reduced if you use Compiz with compositing enabled. I find that Marco with compositing enabled is sufficient. But, you might want to try Compiz as well and compare the two.

Activating compositing on Marco didn’t help… And using Compiz made using a second screen crash the system (everything goes black and I have to shut down to see something again)

how about is recommended on propriety?

OR you can try latest 340.76 drivers from nvidia web site.

You will not be alone with these little quirks from Nvidia. I have a GTX 960, and on some rare occasions, I will witness what you see in your screenshot, but “updating the window” such as a move over or moving the window will disappear that trail.

The screen tearing is caused by Marco, the software compositor. It uses the CPU for rendering I believe. I do try to use Compiz, but it crashes after so long, falling back to Marco.

I swear I’ve seen the black window bug a few times, despite hearing it was fixed in Ubuntu 15.04…?

even with composite enabled on Marco you have screen tearing?

Screen tearing all around, whether compositing is on or off.

I’m very tempted to be adventurous (backing up first of course) by upgrading the Nvidia drivers and Compiz (if a new one is available), and see if Compiz still crashes. If it still does, then try another compositor called Compton.

Compiz solves the screen tearing problem and provides the eye candy, but it’s unstable (crashes every time at some point) with my Nvidia card. I’ve kept logs, but I don’t know what to do with them. I believe nobody maintains Compiz anymore. :frowning:

I get a lot of trouble with the latest nvidia drivers when using compositing. I don't know if the issues described here are due to this, but apparently the nvidia drivers has had a bug for over a year now. You can find more info here:

I've seen issues as described in that thread, especially problems with the screen not properly updating when renaming files.

The only way I have so far managed to get my card (GTX 460) working properly with no tearing is to follow this guide:

I have no compositing enabled, but I don't care for it too much, so it's not a problem for me.


I’d like to say thank you @TheWorldsAddress for your findings. The screen tearing in Marco has gone for me and my GTX 960. Plus, Compiz crashes much less now. Things got messy mucking with a custom driver so I stuck with Ubuntu’s additional driver (thank goodness for backups!)

There are a few quirks: my mouse pointer disappears when it’s a couple of pixels at the top of the screen, and these settings revert after suspending the system or switching users (must be switching X servers) - but they’re hardly significant.

If the OP @athosbr99 wishes to try the Nvidia driver again, this solution might help. Although, noveau makes a fine driver for non-3D performance.