Ubuntu MATE installation help

I have been experiencing some problems installing Ubuntu MATE on my Rasberry Pi.
When I run the installation process, the resoloution is completeley wrong for my monitor, making it very frustrating to use, as everything is so big. Please help!

Welcome @squid422, this is where you want to be (below) :wink:.


Someone will help you shortly.

Welcome to the community @squid422! I moved the thread to the Raspberry Pi subcategory so we do not confuse this with the desktop edition.

We could do with a few more details to help identify why this is happening.

  • Are you connected via HDMI or the yellow connector (forgot the name)?
  • Is this a TV or monitor?
  • Do you know the maximum supported resolution (eg. 1920x1080) of your screen and a rough idea of which size you currently see (eg. 640x480)?

Linux distributions in general are usually quite good at determining the best resolution for the screen, you could try a different monitor to be sure there is not a fault with the Raspberry Pi. Once installation is complete, you can manually set a resolution in System → Preferences → Hardware → Monitors.

Another answer that may help on a different thread: