Ubuntu Mate needs to be more beautiful and attractive

What do you want exactly?

A swiss army knife of image viewers with some basic image editing capabilities. Irfanview will open just about damn near any image format (and a bunch of multimedia formats I don't really bother with) and also has the ability to do basic things like rotate an image or reverse it. It has plugins that allow you to select a part of the image and apply a blur on it so you can edit personal details out of a screenshot. That's the kind of thing that I'm looking for.

EOM does a good job of just displaying images, but is weak on the editing or simple image plugins. The mentioned xnview is closer but was clunky when I tried to use it several years ago. The GIMP is pure overkill. Shotwell is really for displaying camera outputs and collections. Inkscape is for drawing not dealing with an image you already have.

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So GIMP is out of the question for you because it can do too much in a too high quality ?
Imagemagick is out of the question because its batchprocessing is too professional ?

Those two combined surpass Irfanview in every aspect but that is not what you want ?

I do not understand you.
You want a jack-of-all-trades, master of none ?

No sorry I can't help you with that.
I'm used to just pick the right tool for the job at hand.
I won't settle for less.


So GIMP is out of the question for you because it can do too much in a too high quality ?

Not at all what I said. I said it's overkill. If a fly lands on your head, would you hope someone takes a sledgehammer to it to kill the fly or would it be better to have them use a flyswatter instead? I mean the sledgehammer would definitely do the job and you know it'd swat that fly flat. But it's overkill. Who opens a whole suite just to do a quick edit?

Imagemagick is out of the question because its batchprocessing is too professional ?

Not sure where this is coming from? I don't believe anyone mentioned Imagemagick prior to you. Oh it does batch processing? Very cool. Not sure how that helps me with this simple edit I might need to do, but very cool.

You want a jack-of-all-trades, master of none ?

Yes. A 'swiss army knife' for light, quick image editing. In and out. One image, nothing that needs a batch operation. Just the one image, quickly.

I do not understand you.

I think that might be mutual and I think we've probably derailed this discussion enough so I'm willing to drop it here. Different people have different expectations of their tools. Not every tool is perfect for every person.

I have been looking for an app that can be used for simple editing that works the same as Window's mspaint. So far not in one application, my paint plus xnview is working for now. Just my 2 cents.


You might try one of these: https://alternativeto.net/software/microsoft-paint/?platform=linux


FYI - I made a new post re changing the color of the MATE logo on the splash screen. I believe my quest to do so may be "buried" in this thread. With the new post, the attention of others may be had.

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