Ubuntu mate not booting to desktop on raspberry Pi 2. crashes and coming to terminal..How to boot back to GUI(desktop)

I have created the SD card using “dd” command on my MAC.
image used : ubuntu-mate-15.10.1-desktop-armhf-raspberry-pi-2.img.xz
Installation happened properly and selected language time some and also created user info after that it rebooted. But it failed to load the destop but only the command line.
Please help …
In the community page i sow that we need to partition (resize) the SD card. my card is 16GB class 10.

sudo fdisk /dev/mmcblk0

I have given this command on the Pi command line but it says unable to find mmcblk0

Kindly help.

It sounds like parts of the operating system is corrupted on the SD card, otherwise it would have loaded into the desktop.

Check the power supply is adequate. Powering through a USB port of a device can cause this (ie. plugged into a TV or PC).

Checksum the download, in case it it's a faulty copy. You can do that by opening the Mac's terminal; typing md5sum and then dragging the .xz file into the terminal, then press enter.

For 15.10.1, the MD5 is:


You should get the same value to indicate a good download, otherwise it's a sign it was corrupt in the first place, incomplete or in worst case, not being written to the drive properly.

All I can suggest is to blank the SD card if you can, extract the .xz archive, "re-flash" with dd and try again.