Ubuntu-MATE on Raspberry Pi 5

Thank you for the guide.

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By "standard Ubuntu 24.04 for Raspi 5" are you talking about the version on RPi image with a desktop? If I try to install Mate on "Ubuntu Desktop 24.10 (64-bit)" it installs & allows you to select the Mate desktop at logon, used lightdm. But I get nothing but errors after logging on. If I use the "Ubuntu Server 24.10 (64-bit)" image on RPi imager, after installing Mate, the display doesn't work.

24.04.1 server: no display after adding Mate.
But 24.04.1 desktop worked.

Yes, it is the desktop version of Ubuntu for RPi5.
I have never tried to install Mate on Ubuntu 24.10.
The installation of Mate on Ubuntu Server requires the installation of additional packages and additional configuration. It's much easier if you first install Mate on Ubuntu Desktop 24.04 and then, install the server packages you need. They should (and I think they are) compatible with the desktop version.

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