Ubuntu-mate-welcome and software-boutique fail to run with similar errors

Hello everyone

I now have this problem as well. It happen to me after using "Timeshift" to restore my system from the previous day's snapshot. Note that I have activated the Timeshift option to "include hidden files from my home directory" in the snapshot. :disappointed_relieved:

I set up a new user and logged into that account. The "Welcome" and "Software Boutique" worked. I installed a program from the Software Boutique and logged back into the first "broken" account. The newly installed program was there ready to use.

Note also that I had two snap programs besides "Welcome" and "Software Boutique". Rolling-back the system from the previous day's snapshot had no effect on them. :thinking:

This is also affecting me now with this install of the Ubuntu-Mate 22.04 LTS. Seems to impact randomly and based on the discussion here there seems to be no known fix for the issue besides installing fresh and hoping this time not to be impacted by it.

Very frustrating!

And it doesn't help that in the back of my head is a voice muttering that this might not be an issue if it wasn't a snap package...

same here

IndexError: list index out of range

I have the same issues on a fresh install of 22.04 on a Thinkpad. It worked until I installed Software and Synaptic via the boutique; after a reboot both failed to launch (The boutique and Welcome).

I reported it as bug:

if it is still an issue for you, please go there and confirm/comment, so that it can be looked at and hopefully fixed.



Have done so.


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I have the same issue after the upgrade from Ubuntu Mate 20.04 to 22.04.

I found a first solution changing XDG_DATA_HOME and run the original commands:

env XDG_DATA_HOME=.local/share/ubuntu-mate-welcome ubuntu-mate-welcome --boutique
env XDG_DATA_HOME=.local/share/ubuntu-mate-welcome ubuntu-mate-welcome 

In my case, I fixed it permanently by deleting the file ./local/share/mime/mime.cache running the commnad

rm - rf ./local/share/mime/mime.cache

and now it also works by launching commands:

env XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=MATE ubuntu-mate-welcome
env BAMF_DESKTOP_FILE_HINT=/var/lib/snapd/desktop/applications/ubuntu-mate-welcome_software-boutique.desktop /snap/bin/ubuntu-mate-welcome.software-boutique --boutique