Ubuntu software center problem


I’m using the last version of ubuntu mate, i was using the Ubuntu Software Center but it is slow, and it doesn’t respond well. It’s the second time USC crashes.
Also, the " Software Updater " freeze when he’s trying to check updates. I click in some software like " ImageMagick " and it doesn’t open. I received a message " update information " to install " ttf-mscorefonts-installer ", it doesn’t install. It’s always showing the window and it doesn’t stop. The whole system seems to be tripping. I really need help.

Best regards

Hiya -
Do you experience the same issues when updating / upgrading from Terminal ?

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade 
sudo apt-get install whatever the prgram name is.......

it might be worth running the following commands to cleanup any unwatned residues post Ubuntu-MATE install

 sudo apt-get -y autoremove 
 sudo apt-get -y autoclean 
 sudo apt-get -y clean

Hope this helps

Hi Zane, thank you for helping me.

I have done what you told me. Still doesn’t work. The mate itself is slow. Ubuntu Software Center ask me the root password, i type it and than i see still the mark of the window for a few seconds… My laptop is a Lenovo E330, it has an HD 4000. I know it’s not much but i believe it’s sufficient to run very good.
I still can’t open the app ImageMagick.

What’s next ?

Best regards

Could you try this one in the terminal and see!
Sudo apt-get update
after finishing update type this code:
Sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

0 upgrades and update works well, but this doesn’t solve the issue.

Oh that’s really serious. How about installing Synaptic package manager to install your favourite apps? I have them both but most of the time I use Synaptic over USC. It’s super fast.

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USC is pretty much just garbage. Synaptic is not as user-friendly but it is much more reliable. If it is possible to get the Lubuntu Software Center running that would be ideal, not sure if that is possible or not.

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Hi @xedoc No worries.

Looking at your laptop specs online, it does seem to be more than decent enough to cope very well with Ubuntu (Vivid Vervet) MATE 15.04.

Did you upgrade from an existing Ubuntu distro or did you run a brand new install ? if the latter, what set up did you go for auto or manual? i.e did you let ubiquity decide or did you partition your hd and told ubiquity what to do.... Mine for example is like this : /Boot / (Root) /Home /Swap (optional) i find this set up works flawlessly. But if i run into issues i just have to reinstall OS without having to worry about data loss from my Home dir. (needless to mention external data backup)

Which ever the case, a few things recommended after installing here are some of them:
PS. First time you boot into the machine , Updater will download latest supported Kernel (3.19.0-16) you should install it and reboot then carry on with the below.

Enable Ubuntu Extra Repositories and Update the System - System> Preferences>Hardware

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras openjdk-8-jdk
sudo apt-get install ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad lame libavcodec-extra
sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh
sudo apt-get install synaptic && sudo apt-get install gdebi
sudo apt-get install gimp gimp-plugin-registry gimp-data-extras darktable rawtherapee pinta shotwell inkscape
sudo apt-get install unace unrar zip unzip p7zip-full p7zip-rar sharutils rar uudeview mpack arj cabextract file-roller
sudo apt-get install chromium-browser
sudo apt-get -y autoremove && sudo apt-get -y autoclean && sudo apt-get -y clean

I too use either Terminal or Synaptic no issues ... > Not a fan of Software Centre

Should all the above fail then Lubuntu / Kubuntu may well be the way forward for your laptop.

The above is intended for guidance only it might not be a fix to your problem.

Hope this helps
Sorry for the long winded reply :blush:

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Hi Zane,

My partition for Linux is actually and only / and Swap.
I had Debian installed before. I did not delete the partitions, i have installed directly. Maybe this was the problem ?

I’m waiting for a SSD. I’ll re-install and i’ll be back with news.

Best regards

@xedoc good stuff. let us know how you get on .

Cheers :+1: