UK keyboard layout won't work

Despite my keyboard layout clearly being set to English (UK), it will not work at all. It seems stuck on what I'm sure is the US layout, despite me removing it and applying UK.

I'm really not sure what I'm doing wrong here. Any help would go far, thanks.

Is your actual, physical keyboard a UK one? See below:

It is. It’s the Logitech K520.

Hallo Ross

I don’t know what is causing your problem, but you may find the following tipps help. I use a logitech non-English keyboard and always have to be attentive to the keyboard setup.

If your keyboad is connected to the computer via a USB connection make sure that the keyboard is plugged in to the computer directly and not via a USB-hub.

In the screenshot you posted, positioned just above the “Help” button is a field labelled “Type to test settings”. Have you used it? If not, do try “Q”, “Z”, “Y”, “$” and “£”. This helps the setup to decide what kind of keyboard has been attached.

Just above the field you just used in (B) is a button labelled “Options”. A new window opens when you click on it; the window contains a list of options. The list may be longer that the window. Scroll to the bottom of the list, and then retrace your steps to the third to last entry labelled “Switching to another layout”. Make sure none of the commands have been selected.

Add your keyboard again (use the “+Add” button). If the procedure includes the opportunity to “Type to test settings” do so… and then delete the keyboard “profile” (the entry in the list of layouts) for the setup that doesn’t work for you. Switch off the computer. Leave it switched off for at least 60 seconds (yes, count them). Switch on again.

I always set up the keyboard when I install Ubuntu-Mate, and always us the “detect keyboard” option, which I then confirm via “Type to test settings”.

I hope these tipps may have solved your problem, if not have a look on the Ubuntu forums. :slight_smile:

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Hi Ross,

Also encountered this issue using a wireless Logitech keyboard.

Couple of things to try (worked for me):

  • Check ‘Control Centre’ -> ‘Language Support’, if you see a pop-up saying ‘Language support is not installed completely’, click Install.

If above doesn’t help, try

  • Layouts -> Keyboard model -> (select) Generic 102-key (Intl) PC

If you also have the same issue on the login screen, I can point you to a fix for that.


See the link below also as @DaveB points out, it may help to check there!:

It turns out that my problem is no longer solved. After a reboot, the system seems to have reverted back to US layout.

Click on the "Show more" button and more options open up, I have marked it solved for you!. :smiley: