I have created a Linux Ubuntu Mate 24.4 LTS on 32GB bootable usb, but I could not access the ssd hard disk on my PC that has Windows 10 and my personal files.
I got the attached error.
Could you help please?
I have created a Linux Ubuntu Mate 24.4 LTS on 32GB bootable usb, but I could not access the ssd hard disk on my PC that has Windows 10 and my personal files.
I got the attached error.
Could you help please?
Hi, @feras and welcome to the Ubuntu MATE Community!
That is a popular problem. I'd suggest that you search Internet and select the most appropriate case to investigate. For example, does that looks like your situation?
To start, try to see if you can identify the partition type by explicitly using the command
lsblk -f
If that doesn't give you clues, try
lsblk --output-all
If that still doesn't give you a hint as to the fstype for the partitions, then the experts will need to dig in further.
I remember from some earlier bad experiences that any Windows-partitioned drive is "layered" in a not-obvious fashion and the msdos/ntfs may need care in the specification for mounting. I don't care to relive those experiences and avoid Windows-originating drives altogether.
I will refer you to the script Devices__ReportDiskParts.sh that is referenced in an earlier posting.
I had the same problem with each USB Stick formatted with NTFS.
The fix was to blacklist the "ntfs3" and revert to "ntfs-3g" like described in Eric's post here: see reverting-to-fuseblk-ntfs-3g