I’m accustomed to the way Nautilus works, but I’m unable to permanently set the display properties to list view.
When I use Caja the setting is adjustable and is permanent until I change it.
Any idea how I can have the default settings changed in Files?
Google to the rescue … in case others are curious
gsettings set org.gnome.nautilus.preferences default-folder-viewer 'list-view'
Hi pfeiffep
There are also other options in dconf-editor if your interested.
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Thank you Luke I did take a gander at dconf-editor, especially the mate section.
I didn’t find a Caja setting that would enable more right click options send to other than home and desktop.
I’m trying to merge my thinking and usage from Ubuntu to UMate. Most of the differences are really small potatoes and I will adjust just fine. I also learn more this way!