Unexpected Shutdowns(?)

I've had this installation of Ubuntu MATE for a while, but this past month I've noticed problems started to boil up to the surface.

I've used Ubuntu MATE on a HDD (had 1 bad sector, fixed that) for a bit, but this has shown even before I moved from my USB Flash Drive to my HHD.

Don't know exactly what's going on, but I can't switch over to the terminal for the root user. Just keeps spitting this ■■■■ out when I use Control+Alt+F[whatever]. This is starting to get annoying, I'm trying to do things and it does this at random times, it's annoying. This happened about twice a day, on my flash drive and HDD. Is something wrong with my storage devices or the OS?

it seems partition sdc2 has issues.

Maybe boot off a live usb and sudo fsck /dev/sdc

I fscked it earlier today, and it said writable was clean

Have you try check hdd health?

I have not.

I do know there is one bad sector

If you have bad sector on hdd-ssd maybe the disk is start dissolves as material . And you can't do anything about. Its mater of time when stops working.

That sucks :frowning:

Well, at least I have seven more to spare