i want to delate some apps which was preloded when i installed ubuntu mate..like firefox,vlc,eye of mate image viewer,pluma text editor,mate dictionary can i know how can i do that?
Go to the Software Boutique, search for and locate the applications and select the "uninstall" button.
Or, open a terminal and type:
sudo apt-get remove <application name>
For example:
sudo apt-get remove vlc
It is always a good idea to purge any residual files of an application as well. For example:
sudo apt-get purge vlc
When you have finished installing or removing software, it's a good idea to execute the following commands, in order:
Get rid of any dependencies no longer needed by the system:
sudo apt-get autoremove
Ensure your system has access to all of the most up to date improvments and security fixes
sudo apt-get update
Install any fixes/improvements to the system that may be available:
sudo apt-get upgrade
what if the package have long name?
like MATE Dictionary?
itried that with same way but it said package not found
mate-dictionary is part of mate-utils
which is a dependency of the ubuntu-mate-desktop
MATE Utilities for the MATE Desktop contains the following:
mate-system-log [logview]
mate-search-tool [gseachtool]
mate-dictionary [mate-dictionary]
mate-screenshot [mate-screenshot]
mate-disk-usage-analyzer [baobab]
This is a fork of GNOME Utilities.
From mate-utils
I would highly recommend not removing packages that ubuntu-mate-desktop
depends upon.
Why would you want to remove Mate Dictionary? That is an integral part of the Mate Desktop.
However, for your information, my guess is that the reason it did not recognise it as being installed, when you tried to uninstall it, is because you used spaces and capital letters. Application names in Linux never use capitals or spaces. Or, at least, the underlying application names never do.
The names used in Launchers can use capitals and spaces. But, that is because the launcher names are just decorative in functional terms and are there just to provide a user friendly front end to the application usage.
So, my guess is the underlying application name in question is called mate-dictionary
But, again, I do not understand why you would want to remove such an integral part of Mate desktop. Are you just experimenting?
Which is fine, of course. You just need to be made aware that if you start removing applications that are integral to the desktop, things are likely to start breaking in ways that are not always predictable.
As long as you are fully aware of those risks but are happy to accept them, then carry on experimenting...