Unofficial UbuntuMATE minecraft server

Or… you can use this, if on Spigot or Bukkit:

So, I’m gearing up to have a look at this Minecraft world you’ve been creating :slight_smile:

I’m a complete newbie to Minecraft, so you’ll have to help me out. But, it seems this is an extension of the Ubuntu MATE community, should we perhaps make this an official part of our community?

For example, would you like an ubuntu-mate.* domain name? Shall I include this Minecraft community on the list of community resources? To be clear, I don’t want to admin this because it is a true community creation and should remain so. But I can help fund it’s server(s).

Anyway, let me know and I’ll set up the appropriate stuff :slight_smile:


Hey Martin, The cost of the server at this time isn’t to much. I don’t mind sporting it unless we have to upgrade to more high performance, which isn’t the case as of now.

Not sure how to do the domain part? If we did it I guess just a foreward would work. Would have to look into it. It could be in the community resource list. That would be nice.

I’ll think on this a little more afterwork. But don’t worry about funding…I got it for now.


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+1 to it’s address – perhaps? – Easy to remember, a simple forward should work.

For now, it’s all simply Vanilla – which is okay, but personally I prefer mini-games and competitions, which could potentially be hosted on a different server. :wink: (BungeeCord connects multiple Minecraft servers together)

I use to create my own mini-games, complete with multiple shell scripts to manage and load them into their own disposable “slots” – just for my own little private server for a few friends. It was good fun (both playing and creating it).

If we opt to go towards that direction of course, I’m all hands. :blush: Vanilla’s fun for a while, then I tend to lose interest if it isn’t very active or becomes “run down” – especially with a tiny user base. :frowning:

Personally… gotta get some more enthusiasm back into Minecraft, I don’t really play it much these days!

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I really don’t know much beyond basic Vanilla, if your interested in setting that type of stuff up, I can help facilitate if needed.

@parzzix I sent you some details of some inner workings of what would be needed, but I’m now thinking we wouldn’t have the capacity (players) to make it worthwhile. :chart_with_downwards_trend:

@wimpy Did you ever take a visit? :walking: I probably missed you, and didn’t get chance to say “Hi!”.

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Not yet, but I have been working on some Minecraft stuff :wink:

You’ll find a PPA in there simply called Minecraft. And yes, I’ve ported Minecraft Pi Edition to Ubuntu for ARM, because reasons :grinning:

thanks @lah7. I did read it, just have been incredibly busy. We would need a bit more traffic.

I have thought about opening up to other distros…maybe have the kubuntu people build kubuntu town and gnome town…etc… Spawn would be for ubuntu-mate :slight_smile: just a thought.


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So traffic has been low till nill on here. So I am going to open it up to the greater linux community and name it such. The IP is going to change also, once this is done I will share with everyone.


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Hi, out of interest, what happened to this project? I see the Google+ Community had vanished… has it been disbanded?

Hey @lah7,

No one was using it. It went close to a month with 0 visits. I couldn’t justify paying for the server with it just sitting there not being used. Better off to donate the money to the project.

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