Upgrade 16.04 LTS to 16.10

Is there any way, and is it advisable. to upgrade 16.04 LTS to 16.10 in a way that all my programs don’t need to be reloaded again

I did that a couple of weeks back. It was not a good experience for me, I have to say. There are a number of things that break or no longer work as expected and, in some cases, certain programs were deleted. The themes get completely borked as well. As a consequence, I wiped my drive and installed 16.10 from scratch. Some of the problems went away, But, by no means all of them.

So, in summary, if you are desperate for GTK3 and have a high tolerance for the rough edges that come with a non LTS version, then install 16.10 from scratch.

Otherwise, don’t


Hello xaire,

do it like this:

I did it, it worked fine (in my case), but it took a good amount of time.

To be honest: I went back to 16.04 (clean installation). 16.10 is great, but I like the lts-support and therefore I consider the upcoming release of 16.04.2 (kernel 4.8) to be perfect for me.

See also: