Upgrade from 20.04 to 22.04

hi every body.
My question of the day is: can we go from 20.04.6 to 22.04.3 with the simple order sudo do-release-upgrade or respond favourably to the upgrade request during an update.

I used the second solution during a passage from 16.04 to 18.04 and it was a disaster..

Is the /home retained by this command ?

Thanks a lot. Excuse my poor english

I always suggest reading the release notes & instructions before you attempt upgrade.

If any problems are detected in Quality Assurance testing, those findings/warnings (ie. known issues) & tested workarounds so as to mitigate issues will be found there. Thus I suggest reading Ubuntu MATE 22.04 LTS Release Notes | Ubuntu MATE

You should always do a backup before any major change like a release-upgrade, but anything in $HOME will not be touched.

Also note, as Ubuntu-MATE 20.04 reached EOL awhile ago, what testing was done, was now long ago.


Thanks for your answer.
I've got a copy of the system on another disk and I'll try to upgrade with this copy to check any problem.
I use X for a long, long time. If Wayland gives a problem, is it easy to come back to X ?

You can select which session you wish to use when you login (ie. if Wayland or X.Org sessions are available; just logout & select another session)..

However MATE is still an X.Org desktop, though it's on the roadmap (for the future). If you want confirmation, I'll provide a link here to read


the test of upgrading the copy of the 20.04 works very well. Just a problem with a poorly installed program, but I made things right with DPKG on a prompt shell, then the reboot was perfect and I've kept everything (thunderbird mail with all accounts, Firefox -even on snap- with de default profile, local network, maybe some old programs need to be reinstalled). Very satisfied :sunglasses: