Just did the upgrade using: update-manager -d
Opening programs windows takes about 15 to 42 seconds - when before it was quit crisp and eye blinking. Opening caja took 37 secs the 1st time - subsequent one was quicker. LO took 42 seconds - last try was about 16 secs. It looks like they are searching through a new routing... even when acting on a click within a program there is a lag. Lets see how it goes after a while. It feels like the computer is in shock !! (NOTE: Now about 30-35 mins later swiftness back somewhat. So probably something was using juice in the background after the upgrade. Will add here if worthy)
In the Applications menu: End up with duplicates and some having lost their identification icon.
TBird is now a snap - no option to it otherwise. I need to set-up again all my email and calendar connections anew. A shame. CORRECTION: about 24 mins later TB 'wokeup' in good shape with all the emails and calendar re-established - so my only guess here is that it needed to rebuild the index under the new snap. I had to make a new launcher on the desktop in any case (icon disappeared)
Zoom installed was just 'killed' - need reinstall.
Got quite a few error messages during the upgrade process:
I had to proceed with the partial upgrade
If useful, the 'text' in the 'fwdupd.conf' error was:
--- /etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf 2023-10-12 18:06:51.844836289 -0500
+++ /etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf.dpkg-new 2024-04-05 05:23:30.000000000 -0500
@@ -1,20 +1,2 @@
+# use
man 5 fwupd.conf
for documentation
Will follow up if identifying other things
HP Envy 11th Gen ICore i7-1165G7
Mate 1.26.2
As per the above, I did the upgrade to UM 24.04
Software Boutique and Welcome still appear in the Administration menu and are are active. And the App Center was not added.
So it looks like I was upgraded to 24.04 and Kernel 6.8.... but without the other changes, i.e. all other things remaining equal.
System works fine for now. I may elect for a a fresh install (i.e. reinstall) in a few months - if only to 'clean up' old stuff, since I've been only 'upgrading' on this laptop since I bought it (i.e. for any new version since UM 18.04)
May 5th: I installed App Center through terminal. So I now have Updater, App Center, Software boutique and previous Software...
May 6th: Yesterday the Menu (System) standard Updater link, Software boutique and Welcome were still working. This morning after re-boot... they don't.
Upgrading from 23.10 to 24.04 fails .
Upgrading processs stopped in the middle due to "too many errors" and then it was not possible to restart my computer .I NEVER experienced anyting like this before. I had to reinstall everything.
Exactly the same problem occured on my second laptop. I can't restart machine and I have to reinstall everyting.
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Welcome @pnti to the community!
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install Linux Mint and then you won't have any problems anymore. The basic framework of the system is of course also from Ubuntu Mate, but everything else is exclusively from Linux Mint.
But LinuxMint has Ubuntu 22.04 as "background"... I'd never turn back to Ubuntu 22.04... thinking of the improvements in later Ubuntu ( > 22.04) versisons.
Have an office PC running LinuxMint (latest stable) with MATE desktop enviroment => ok
Have my daily rig (Home PC) running Ubuntu MATE 24.04 - fresh install => perfect
NOTE: Do not upgrade to Ubuntu (any flavor) 24.04. Wait until the upgrade is officially supported. If you still want to upgrade, a fresh install will be the solution to go for. See my comment here
Linux Mint 21.2 "Victoria Cinnamon Edition. That's what I'm currently using.
It's easy to use and very clear. Also very stable and of course secure.
Yes Mint Meta Mate is included as a Linux Mint package in my system
Do not upgrade to Ubuntu (any flavor) 24.04. Wait until the upgrade is officially supported.
So as it is supported now how do I initiate the upgrade now? I had a popup notification (which I dismissed because I had no time for this in this specific moment). How can I bring it back?
Hi, @CDrewing (Christian Drewing)
You wrote:
The Ubuntu MATE 24.04 LTS ("Noble Numbat") Release Notes - https://ubuntu-mate.org/blog/ubuntu-mate-noble-numbat-release-notes/ - mentions the following regarding the upgrade process from previous Ubuntu MATE versions:
" (...)
Upgrading to Ubuntu MATE 24.04
The upgrade process to Ubuntu MATE 24.04 LTS from either Ubuntu MATE 22.04 LTS or 23.10 is the same as Ubuntu.
There are no offline upgrade options for Ubuntu MATE. Please ensure you have network connectivity to one of the official mirrors or to a locally accessible mirror and follow the instructions above."
And in the referred web page - "NobleUpgrades - Community Help Wiki" - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NobleUpgrades - we have the instructions that I'm also including in this reply of mine, in the block below (in those instructions, "update-manager is the "Software Updater", which you may find from the Ubuntu MATE Menu -> "Administration" -> "Software Updater". Also, you may now disregard step 9 in your case because, as you've mentioned, upgrades from Ubuntu 23.10 to Ubuntu 24.04 are now supported):
Upgrade from 22.04 LTS or 23.10 to 24.04 LTS
Upgrading Ubuntu Desktops to 24.04 LTS
You can easily upgrade over the network with the following procedure.
1. Run the update-manager application.
2. In Update Manager, click the Settings... button, and enter your password to start the Software Sources application.
3. Select the sub menu Updates from the Software Sources application.
4. Confirm the "Notify me of a new Ubuntu version:" option is set to "For any new version", and change it if otherwise.
5. Close the Software Sources application and return to Update Manager.
6. In Update Manager, click the Check button to check for new updates.
7. If there are any updates to install, use the Install Updates button to install them.
8. Run update-manager.
9. If you want to upgrade early, before upgrades are officially supported, you can pass the -d option when running update-manager. Do this at your own risk. It is advised to check the release notes for Ubuntu 24.04 LTS before doing so.
10. A message will appear informing you of the availability of the new release.
11. Click Upgrade.
12. Follow the on-screen instructions. (...)"
I hope this helps
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