USB-Hub causes re-boot when you try to shut the system down - hardware problem


A few weeks ago I bought a new NUC-based desktop PC with Ubuntu-Mate pre-installed (dual drive system). Everything was fine with one exception – I couldn’t switch it off!

As the PC only had four USB 3.0 ports I’d bought an external USB hub (TP-LINK USB 3.0, 7-port hub with 2 charging ports, model no. Nr. UH720). This hub has its own power source.

Everything worked well, however, the only way to switch off the computer was to power it down with the on /off switch!

I tried all of the possible shut down options available via GUI and the command line – nothing worked – the computer re-booted each time. I invested quite a lot of time in the forums etc., alas to no avail until I read something very strange yesterday. I read a post that described how a mouse had caused the same behaviour. I don’t use a mouse but rather an external (wired) touch pad that was plugged into the USB hub.

To resume this strange behaviour:
When the USB hub is switched off the computer shuts down as expected. If the USB hub is switched on when you shut down the computer the PC performs a re-boot. Switching on the USB hub when the computer is shut down boots the computer.

Armed with this knowledge I can use my new machine as you would expect to be able to.

I’m not looking for explanations or help, I just wanted to share this tip with you all because from what I’ve read during my search for a solution these “re-boot on shut down” problems can be very difficult to resolve.

I hope this might help someone else if they encounter similar behaviour. :slight_smile:

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