Use two connections simultaneously

I installed some load balance present in the archives (pen, Python2 HTTP load balancer detector, pure Python TCP load balancer etc), but I do not
figured out how to use them. My goal is to use the ADSL connection and
the phone to download/upload simultaneously. There is a simple way to achieve this function?
Thank you.

Hi @Labbing,

this might help?. Merry Christmas :smiley:

I know how to connect and use an Android device on Ubuntu. My goal is to add up the ADSL speed with that of my phone or internet key. I would like to increase the overall performance by adding the two speeds.
I read that with the load balance can be done. I found this project: but it was closed and on recent versions of the kernel, I read, it does not work.
I do not even know the programming language to be able to update it groped. The programmer at the time he did not answer. You would you be able to update it or you know some alternative project?
Merry Christmas!

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Hi @Labbing,

sorry but I really don’t have anything else for you!. :frowning:

Don't worry.If you have news fill me in. Bye!

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Wilco, Merry Boxing Day!. :smiley: