From what I understand, Ubuntu MATE switched to Slick but still uses LightDM (?). Is Slick just a greeter or a different login manager that somehow uses LightDM’s configuration?
Anyway, I can’t make it display the users background despite the option checked in the preferences (and the slick-greeter.conf having draw-user-backgrounds set to true). Not sure if this is the same issue that was already present in UM with LightDM or a new one but my old solution (the script that I made) doesn’t seem to work anymore.
There’s something I don’t understand, maybe someone can help: where does Ubuntu MATE set the options for the default Slick greeter appearance? I’ve checked everything in /etc/lightdm, /usr/share/lightdm and /usr/share/slick-greeter and haven’t found any config file with the background used (/usr/share/backgrounds/ubuntu-mate-common/Green-Wall-Logo.png).
I’ve tried to tweak the picture and it was reflected in the login screen, which confirms that it uses this file and not a copy from somewhere else, so it has to be referenced in a config file used by LightDM/Slick but I can’t figure which one.
EDIT: just found it in another thread: it’s stored in dconf (
Ok, it looks like I’ve found the origin of the problem by checking if/how it works in Xubuntu (it does). The issue seems to be similar to the one UM had with LightDM before, namely a value for AccountsService that is not set by the settings daemon, except that it’s a different key used this time: Slick (or LightDM since an update?) apparently checks for the org.freedesktop.DisplayManager.AccountsService → BackgroundFile value.
If the user background is set as follows in /var/lib/AccountsService/users/$USER (where $USER is your username), it works for draw-user-backgrounds: