Using gsettings to edit terminal profiles, Ubuntu 16.04.1, Mate 1.12.1

I wish to maintain multiple ssh terminal to 7 lan servers, using a unique color for each terminal window. I have been doing this with the terminal gui, but I would like to be able to use gsettings to edit profiles from a script. My problem is that I can’t seem to construct a gsettings get/set command that works. I can see that, under org.mate.terminal.profiles, there is a list of profiles, starting with ‘default’, with additional profiles listed below as Profile0 to ProfileNN. Can someone show me the proper syntax to fetch the ‘login-key’ from the default profile, and then set it?

I am using:

Ubuntu Release 16.04.1 LTS (Xenial Xerus) 64-bit, with MATE 1.12.1

You may need to to use the dconf command rather than gsettings since the profile settings don’t have a schema.

Can you give me an example of setting a mate profile property, like /org/mate/terminal/profiles/profile1/visible-name?
I can read it, but I can’t seem to get the write command syntax correct. Please advise.

Apparently you need to quote the value, which for a string has (single) quotes, so it needs to be like
dconf write /org/mate/terminal/profiles/profile1/visible-name "'VALUE'"

Thanks so much for the description of the value formatting. I have found the Gnome docs to be quite difficult to deal with. Again, thanks.