Using RPi 3B+ without success

I have received a Raspberry Pi 3 model B+ and I'm starting to setup it up. I'm using the 32GB MacroSC card, that I formatted using the SD Card Formatter. I then downloaded and installed, using the Raspberry Pi Imager, "ubuntu_mate-22.04.desktop-arm64+raspi,img.xz type XZ file". I think I have the program up and running, but it takes about 30 to 40 seconds after clicking on an ICON, for the ICON to open.
Is this normal or have I downloaded and installed the wrong version of ubuntu mate? Should the RPi 3 operate this slowly? Just learning how to use the RPi 3, so I have a lot to learn yet.

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Welcome, @Goldie to the community!

Have you tried the 32 bit version? I only have experience with the RPi 4 with 4 GB ram and it was the best compared with Ubuntu and Raspberry native OS.

Another choice is to forego U-Mate and stick with R-Pi Native OS due to the low ram requirement.

Best of luck.

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Thank you Patreon - I think that 32 bit OS seems to be working now. If you don't mind another question, If I go to add/delete software and click on an item, where does it go?

Still learning.

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If you're referring to the software boutique it gets queued up and then you click on the number in the upper right hand corner to install. I would show you a screenshot but I'm on 24.04 and there is no software boutique anymore.

Alternatively, sudo apt install works on RPi OS as well as U-Mate.

Best of luck.

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