Hello Everyone
And as my topic shows I actually have to reinstall software I installed the day before and all my settings isn't remembered. So my confused brain accuses the 24.04 for all of this. But I'm probably wrong, just read the rest please.
A couple of weeks ago I decided to upgrade from 22.04.5 to 24.04.1
All I have read about the last version has been nothing but good and all the bugs and troubles were now under control.
I am running a Asrock motherboard, witch I also had when I was running the 22.04.5. This motherboard was nothing but As in the beginning and I was really struggling to get the 22.04 working proper.
But all this came to an end and the 22.04 worked perfectly.
With the 24.04 I am experiencing "Slow Memory".
I have had to reinstall every thing and it also seems that the system want run software and even cant find it. The error massages "Can't find this package" and "No such file ore directory" is taking over.
Yesterday I even got a error massage from GParted, "That GParted couldn't be found".
I am attaching some screenshots and as you can see my memory is using almost half of it's storage.
This again is because I am formatting a external HDD with a size on 4TB and this has been going on for three days now and the dashboard even tells that it will take 4 days and 4 hours more......
And wile I'm writing this I'm more and more conscious about needing to change my RAM cards.
I thought I had more than enough but they are probably to well used ?
And that this again probably is also the "problem" I think I have with the 24.04 ?
So if anyone would bother to guide a little on the way her I would be very pleased. Especially on what kind of RAM cards would really work with Ubuntu-Mate 24.04 ?