Virtual box - Where is it? Which windows version?

Hi There,

I feel this is embarrassing, but I am new to linux and I guess there is a lot I need to learn.

So: I have intalled oracle virtual box via boutique and all looks fine.

Here are my two questions:

  1. Where is the program itself? I can start it going back to boutique, but it is none of the menus. How do I find the “exe” and add it to a menu?

  2. Virtual box offers me only to install 32 bit windows versions. Why? I have a W7 pro 64 bit I want to install.

Thanks for help!

Hi @Nope

Welcome to MATE.

For me, it went under System Tools in the main menu.

  1. /usr/bin/virtualbox, but it should also be in the Accessories section of the main menu (the menu section apparently can differ, see the above post)
  2. if you have a 32 bit host OS, to be able to run a 64 bit guest operating system in VirtualBox your system needs to have hardware virtualization support present and enabled in the BIOS (see - the documentation is a bit ambiguous about whether or not this also applies to a 64 bit host OS)

I've seen the exact same behavior and wondered about it.
I was running Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 (amd64)

You should be able to use 64-bit Windows versions. Is Hardware Virtualization turned off?

You should have the following somewhere in your dmesg:

kvm: Nested Virtualization enabled

I also cannot find Oracle Virtual Box anywhere in the menus. The only way to start it is through the Software Boutique then?

You can always edit the menu (right-click => Edit Menus) and add VirtualBox manually.

Hi There, this is solved. Thanks everyone.