VNC Clients - Advice Requested and Welcome

Hi everyone,

I’ve just set up Ubuntu MATE on a Raspberry Pi, got it working with tightvncserver.

My question is: what’s the Ubuntu MATE recommended VNC client?

So far I have only tried xtight and I have to say I’m pretty underwhelmed.

What’s everyone else using?



I not sure there is one recommended VNC solution.
In my case, I managed to configure x11vnc on Ubuntu Mate on an Odroid C2.

I had also tried tightvncserver but switched to x11vnc as it allows me to remotely connect to the login screen, before a user logs in.

As a client, I use ChickenOfTheVNC on a Mac OS.

You might find this link quite useful:

Good luck.


I’ve got it working, and vnc server starts with lightdm so it even survives a log out and back in.

It’s just the client I’m not overly fond of. I had to create my own launcher. With an IP address specified on the command line. In 2016!

spadge@Moya:~$ cat /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf

Works fine.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Been using remmina for a while.
Not that I particularly like it (it has crashed a few times) but I just never had the motivation to search for an alternative.

Thanks, remmina will do nicely :slight_smile:

I personally use vino (gnome vnc server) wich is secured over TLS .

It’s running over a wired LAN - doesn’t really need encryption.

VNC server is fine. It works. :wink:

Oh forget to mention . If you wan’t to try it find a repository for vino38 couse new vino preferences are stored in gnome-control-panel .

Which would mean I could probably find those prefs in dconf-editor and change them with gsettings yes?

In both variants vino will have gsettings schemas e.g. “org.gnome.desktop.remote-access”