VPN setup for a noob

Hi there I have tried to setup Open VPN and VPN Book without sucess can this be done on Ubuntu Mate ?


I use Airvpn

Very simple set-up with full instructions

You can get it here:

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Ars Technica recently made a very nice article about VPN deployment (server side) and there’s a client setup section too.

I have 16.04.2 LTS and subscribe to Private Internet Access (PIA). I have PIA’s app installed as well as a manual configuration of PIA using OPENVPN. Both configurations work well. I have experimented manually configuring other free VPN providers using OPENVPN without issue. One recommendation is to ensure you have the latest U-M updates as one of the previous network updates hosed up the DNS/resolv.conf with OPENVPN.

Anybody tried Hide.me ?

If you are looking for a “noob” VPN, I can recommend you the following Chrome browser extension:

I do not see any instructions for configuring Hide.me into OPENVPN. Also, I don't believe Hide.me supports Linux.

https:// hide.me/en/vpnsetup/ubuntu/openvpn/

Seems everything would/should be fine…
but when I go to my Network Menu, the ‘Add VPN Connection’ is off. Even after a re-start.
Is it an UM 17.04 issue? Or should I go fiddle with my router/connection?
Expert around here ?

I thought you would click on Network Manager/Edit Connections/Add/Import Saved VPN Connection or select OPENVPN if configuring manually.

I assume you have already downloaded the ovpn and cert files from hide.me

Yes. Figured out. A connection created.
Now it times out when trying to connect.

Sounds like the credentials or settings are incorrect. Did you use the ovpn file or manually configure? Did you insert/identify a crt or pem file in your configuration?

Thanks Jaybo.
Yes, pem and with their ovpn file.
I did work.
But for a reason unknown to me, it did work only after a reboot.

pestscan.com is quite a simple one. And it’s the best VPN for noob.

I use airvpn

However, you may find your ISP (SKY, in my case) will block access to their website. That being the case, you will need to download the deb onto a mobile phone using your roaming internet. Then sign up to the service and pay your subscription via the mobile. When you have done that, copy the deb over to your PC and install in the usual way using something like Gdebi. Then, when you launch the program, it will ask for your login details that you set up on your mobile. Enter them and you are good to go.

The above method is how I installed it.

Try other VPN services and anti-leakages plugins.

Can you provide an example of some of those anti-leakages plugins?