What about an Off Topic category?

I’m not sure if this would be feasible at this point, but I’ll put it out there as an idea:

What about an “Off Topic” category? … a place for inane chatter and interesting things that aren’t MATE specific?

Maybe with a sticky post stating “No politics or religion and keep it clean”?

Even a MATE centric community can’t be all MATE all the time :smiley:

Or football . This is a very controversal topic .

But I love football… Not talking about the American crap I hope?

Didn’t we say no controversy! :smiley:

Seriously though, and off topic category is not a bad idea. And deadly seriously, I prefer Rugby Union.

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Electragician came back to the conversation he’d started earlier and stopped cold in his tracks.

He slowly retreated from the thread, as apparently there was some shift toward talk of soccer in his absence.

/runs :smiley:


That would be what the Uncategorised section is for :smile:

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Ah, cool. That works too!