I have a small Python demo program that is trying to set up a server socket and respond to simple telnet requests.
import time
import socket # Import socket module
# display a message on the console
def log(line) :
- "Display a message on the console wiht the current date and time"*
- localtime = time.asctime( time.localtime(time.time()) )*
- print(localtime, line)*
- return*
# ----- main program -----
s = socket.socket() # Create a socket object
host = socket.gethostname() # Get local machine name
hostAddress = socket.gethostbyname(host)
port = 23 # Reserve a port for your service.
log (f"Binding host: {host} at address: {hostAddress} to port: {port}")
s.bind(("", port)) # Bind to the port
s.listen(5) # Now wait for client connection.
receivedData = "waiting"
while len(receivedData) > 0 :
- log("Waiting for input...")*
- c, addr = s.accept() # Establish connection with client.*
- log (f"Got connection from: {addr}")*
- receivedData = ""*
- receivedByte = c.recv(1)*
- while len(receivedByte) > 0 and receivedByte not in b'\n' :*
receivedData = receivedData + receivedByte.decode("utf-8")*
log (f"Received byte: {receivedByte.decode('utf-8')}" )*
receivedByte = c.recv(1)*
- if len(receivedData) > 1 and receivedData not in "\n" :*
log(f"Received data string: {receivedData}" )*
c.send(bytes(f"Thank you for sending me: {len(receivedData)} bytes\r\n", "utf-8"))*
- else :*
c.send(bytes(f"That's all folks!\r\n", "utf-8"))*
receivedData = "" #terminate main listening loop*
- c.close() # Close the connection*
log("Program exiting")
s.close() # that's all folks!
It works perfectly on Windows but fails on Linux because it isn't allowed to use the network. I tried adding the user account I am running it from to the "netdev" group, but it still can't run successfully and produces the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/home/david2/python programs/socketTest.py", line 18, in *
- s.bind(("", port)) # Bind to the port*
PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied
So what do I need to do to allow my user account to run programs which can directly access the primitive network functions? Aside from the "netdev" group, I don't see any other groups that look like they would have anything to do with these permissions. Thanks for any assistance you can provide!