What are people looking forward to in 2016?

I’ll start with my list:

  • Ubuntu-mate 16.04 LTS. As I’m running a work/production machine, have had to stick on 14.04, and have had to let the between releases pass by. I’m particularly interested to see if I can decrease my boot speed with systemd.

  • My monthly linux voice magazine subscription starts in January!

  • Curious to see what new thinkpads are announced in CES, particularly the T460s and X260 models.

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Well, my list :

  • Ubuntu-Mate 16.04. I’m always enthused by new releases of an operating system I like. :slightly_smiling:

  • New video games that’ll release all throughout the year. (PS4 // PS Vita // 3DS)
    For instance, in late January there’s Final Fantasy Explorers. me and my brother are going to play the sh** out of this game in multiplayer mode.

  • World of Warcraft Legion… :sweat:
    I might subscribe for a month or two to complete the main story then cancel subscription.

Definitely, this is tops. We'll get there.... :joy:

Ubuntu-mate 16.94 LTS and Retirement :slight_smile: