Has anyone tried to use Gedit in Ubuntu Mate 16.04.
For me it looks broken beginning with the top menu which seems to require a Unity Desktop.
I know that pluma could be used in Mate but it misses many plugins which are present in Gedit.
Which plugins are missing from Pluma that are ordinarily found in Gedit?
To find out what is required (depends on) you can check the package list.
No, I have not tried Gedit on Ubuntu MATE, but hopefully I can help a little. See the following link:
There are two screenshots. If your Gedit looks like the one in the first screenshot (titled as Gedit 3.12), then there should not be anything broken in your system. This is how Gedit looks now . You can also compare with the second screenshot on the page, how Gedit 3 looked like, before it got the “cool and a simplified look”.
It is not only Gedit, it is Nautilus (now called Files) and basically the whole Gnome 3. This is why I fled to XFCE and then to MATE.
See this topic for additional information about Pluma plugins:
There is also this link in the linked mate-desktop forum topic. Some time ago (I was using Fedora in those days) I was able to build, compile and install the plugins from the source, but it took me several attempts to succeed, as I am not programmer or skilled Linux admin.
Yes, it would be nice to have all these plugins compiled and packed for the smooth installation.
You and me both. The new Gedit 3.12 looks to be absolutely ghastly to use for anyone who actually wants to do some actual work over and above putting a bit of text in a file.