When will 20.04 be proposed from 18.04?

I know how to update 18.04 to 20.04 with terminal or update-manager -cd. My ask is not for me, it's for classic users with 18.04. While 20.04.1 is available since the 1st august, ten days later, it's still not proposed in update from 18.04 in normal process. When it will be proposed from 18.04?


I have had the same question, so I reported the bug about this problem - Bug #1890936 “trying upgrade 18.04.5 to 20.04.1 - “There is no d...” : Bugs : ubuntu-release-upgrader package : Ubuntu as this is not expected as per FocalFossa/ReleaseNotes - Ubuntu Wiki :

The -d switch is necessary to upgrade from Ubuntu 18.04 LTS as upgrades have not yet been enabled and will only be enabled after the first point release of 20.04 LTS

We need to wait some time while Canonical updates the https://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release-lts special file .

Updated info from Alan Pope:

I don’t believe this is a bug as such. It’s common for us to hold back upgrades for a bit until we’re super confident people will get a good experience.

So we need to wait.


Hi guys!

I'm still not getting the upgrade option in the update manager to upgrade to 20.04 LTS. I'm using an Australian mirror to update my system. Do I need to change my mirror to the main UK one to complete this upgrade or to another one? I'm running 18.04 LTS.

Thanks for the help! :slight_smile:

PS Thanks to the person who moved my question to this thread! :slight_smile:


@nemo: as he said, we need to wait:

Thanks for that Phillipe! I also read Alan Pope's post & the bug thread - so everything is clear now!

What's the etiquette around these types of questions being merged into a thread? Should I delete my question or leave it there as is?

Will 20.04.1 be available through the Software Updater? So far I have not seen a prompt after updating my system, which is 18.04.5.

Update 20200929:
The upgrade process fixed.
We can now use normal method to upgrade our 18.04 LTS systems to 20.04 LTS.


Thanks, Norbert.

I will wait. I am not technical and appreciate the convenience of an update, as compared to a clean install.

Just upgraded yesterday and I'm impressed so far! The indicators load more consistently and overall the desktop experience is much smoother! :slight_smile: Excellent work Wimpy! @Wimpy

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Even though snaps get a bad rap (which I disagree with completely) - they definitely made the upgrade process much smoother. It avoided some of the "dependency hell" issues I had with some of my proprietary messaging apps when I previously upgraded from 16.04 to 18.04. I don't use any flatpaks but I would assume they are just as good in avoiding these types of issues. Excellent work overall Ubuntu Mate team :clap: :clap: :clap: