Where is yaboot.conf?

hi there,

I go nuts - I installed 16.04 and want to config yaboot.conf - but it is not there (/etc)
I went on “find / -name yaboot.conf” but got no hit (!) WTF?

I unlocked root (give it a password), booted from live dvd and mounted LVM partition of root and such, did also a search - but no yaboot.conf (except on the DVD) was found…

What is going on`???


take a look here:



I have already some knowledge about “How to configure yaboot” - the Problem is (like I wrote clearly), that there is no yaboot on my disk (!)

I installed many different ppc Linux thus far and there is a yaboot.conf in /etc Folder - but not this time

For some reason yaboot.conf was not copied to your Linux filesystem in /etc.
Let’s do it manually:

NAME   RM RO TYPE  SIZE MODEL            FSTYPE UUID                                 MOUNTPOINT LABEL
sda     0  0 disk 74.5G ST380023A                                                               
├─sda1  0  0 part 31.5K                                                                         
├─sda2  0  0 part  977K                  hfs                                                    bootstrap
├─sda3  0  0 part  1.9G                  swap   cff9db76-66d9-4d7a-bafd-b741865fb941 [SWAP]     
├─sda4  0  0 part 18.2G                  ext4   30cece28-a14f-4507-8758-8c189921e0da            GRANNY-WILY
├─sda5  0  0 part 18.2G                  ext4   14812c6a-82be-499d-be75-212f4f4df82d /          GRANNY-XENIAL
├─sda6  0  0 part 18.2G                  ext4   98b31bcd-7936-4d23-a28a-64f0b89594ba /Granny    GRANNY
├─sda7  0  0 part 18.2G                  ext4   4160c897-0533-44b3-b3ec-203e6538d008            SPARE-2
└─sda8  0  0 part 24.5K                                                                         
sr0     1  0 rom  1024M DVD-RW  DVR-105                                                         

On my system, the HFS bootstrap is /dev/sda2.

admin_user@Granny:/$ sudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt
[sudo] password for admin_user:
admin_user@Granny:/$ cd /mnt
admin_user@Granny:/mnt$ ls
ofboot.b  yaboot  yaboot.conf
admin_user@Granny:/mnt$ sudo cp yaboot.conf /etc
admin_user@Granny:/mnt$ cd ..
admin_user@Granny:/$ sudo umount /mnt

It’s best not to keep the bootstrap partition mounted. Use “ybin” to update the yaboot
stuff in the bootstrap from /etc/yaboot.conf.

I dont think it´s a good idea - you have to know 100% what to do and put UUIDs in yaboot.conf and so on - so I can not just copy&paste a Fitting solution. It´s beyond me, why I got no yavboot.conf on my drive - I mean it´s a ppc and on boot it clearly states “yaboot” and such… so there must be some yaboot.conf, but I can´t find it.

Do you really think I can follow the steps you did without destroying my System?

I just wanted to set yaboot parameter radeon.agpmode=-1

The yaboot.conf in the hfs bootstrap partition is the one you are booting with. The UUIDs
should be correct. The install didn’t copy it to /etc for some reason. You can look
at the yaboot.conf in the hfs bootstrap partition to verify the UUIDs…