Which 32 bit release should I download? Xenial or Artful?

Hi there,

So basically I am unable to decide for the 32 bit which download should I go with…Xenial or Artful? Correct me if I’m wrong but from my understanding the Xenial is bascailly for novice users whereas the Artful is for pros…? Also, what does it mean by supported until (2018/2019)? Will Ubuntu Mate be shut down?

Apologies for the inconvenience.

Laptop is a old Sony Vaio Pink.

Both are equal in simplicity. Artful is the newer release (which I, personally, would use).

Ubuntu releases get updates for nine months at which time you would either upgrade to the next one or stay with the LTS (Long Term Support) versions which receive updates for five years and are released every two years. The next one will be 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) and is due this coming April. Oh, and I wouldn’t worry about Ubuntu MATE going anywhere anytime soon.

As for questions about your laptop, you’ll have to be more specific as to which model it is. I’ve seen several Viaos that were available in pink. I had an old FZ-series (which I finally retired this past summer) that I ran various distros on for years with no problems.


Hi there,

Thanks so much for the reply

Ok now I understand. Thanks to your clarification.

Also, I just saw under the Xenial version of 32bit that it states “Recommend for stability and mission critical systems.” Do you think this would be beneficial for my Grandpa? or is Artful still the best to choose?

In regards to update, is there a way to enable automatic updates for everything (Just like Windows)? I’m really interested in this feature as this would be great for my Grandpa since I won’t always be by his side when he needs to update so enabling the auto update would be a huge beneficial.

Look forward to your response.


I personally favor LTS releases when I install a machine for someone who isn't an enthusiast. Updates for LTS systems are less likely to break stuff. If you can't afford to visit your grampa often, it is better to go with an LTS in my opinion.

There is no built in way to do that. Only security updates have an option to be done automatically in the background, and it is already the default setting when you install. Still, it is possible to program this behavior.
There is however a downsize to having this on: if the computer is shut down or loses power while an update is running in the background, it can leave the system in an unstable state.

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Xenial is the previous LTS, released about two years ago. I have Artful running on a couple of different machines and actually find that they run more smoothly, but YMMV… Also, the newer releases have more recent versions of the available software and it will update to the newest LTS in a few weeks, anyway.

I believe it will auto-update to a certain point, but as I have always set all of mine to tell me before doing anything, I don’t recall what all of the options are off-hand. You’ll find them in Control Center>Software & Updates>Updates. Good luck to you and your grandpa. Feel free to let us know how he likes it.

Thanks so much for your response.

Ok, looks like the LTS is the most suitable way for my grandpa haha. Apologies for any inconvenience.

Just asking, are you able to provide me with the guide on how to program so that the updates are automatic? I rarely visit my Grandpa since he is in the main city and I am not haha. Cough cough* 19hr drive to his place.

I am so happy for your liking and appreciation towards my Grandpa and I haha. Much appreciated :D. I am going to go with the Xenial since I rarely visit my grandpa and I want his life to be simple and hassle free. Also, Xenial has these security updates haha. But, are you able to tell me, if I do install the 16.04 version and then 2021 arrives. When this year (2021) arrives, do I need to download the OS from the website or does it “automatically” update to the newer version for me?

You’ll be able to upgrade to 18.04 LTS directly, no need to re-install.


Ubuntu-flavours e.g. Ubuntu-Mate LTS support is only 3 years. Vanilla Ubuntu has 5 years support for the LTS (Long Term Support) versions.

You may wish to consider “TeamViewer” to remotely help your relative.

Hope the set-up works for you. :slight_smile:

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