Which ways to install software?

Hello Guys,

I have installed Ubuntu Mate 16.04 in a VBox to test it. So i like to install netbeans on Ubuntu over the command line:
sh Netbeans…sh
so i get the error.desc in easy form “Java is missing”.
So my question is, is there a way to install new software with the newest version with a few commands over the command line?
I used apt-get install, but it didn´t work.

Second Question:
Why i can´t install software over the gui?` I found no option to install with a mouseclick.



it is not so hard or at least it wasn’t in the past (haven’t testes 16.04). I personally always have troubles to install JDK via command line for that I always use the software center once you have that installed you will install netbeans in no time.

Apt-get is the package manager we all use (which has recently been changed to just apt). You have a build in information system that you may already know about that works on just about everything, called the manual pages (man for short). In terminal…

man apt-get
man <name of command>

The software center (and the others) is a gui front end for apt.

16o4 should offer the latest packages, but if it falls short you can search the ppa’s for the latest releast.



I think you will find synaptic package manager better suited for getting down to the nuts and bolts of your needs, its in the welcome center or…

sudo apt install synaptic


@Bonekit - You’ve recieved excellent advice from @anon42388993
Here’s a write up that covers many different situations you might encounter as a developer … Install Software

My method for keeping software current

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt autoremove

A while ago I read a suggestion for an order in which to run apt update/upgrade/autoremove/dist-upgrade, so I ended up adding this to my .bash_aliases:

sup () {
	echo '______________________________________________________________________'
	echo -e "Updating packages list…\n"
	sudo apt-get update -y &>/dev/null
	echo '______________________________________________________________________'
	echo -e "Upgrade…\n"
	sudo apt-get upgrade -y
	echo '______________________________________________________________________'
	echo -e "Dist-upgrade…\n"
	sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y
	echo '______________________________________________________________________'
	echo -e "Autoremove…\n"
	sudo apt-get autoremove -y
	echo '______________________________________________________________________'
	echo -e "Upgrade…\n"
	sudo apt-get upgrade -y
	echo '______________________________________________________________________'
	echo -e "Autoremove…\n"
	sudo apt-get autoremove -y

The name sup came from “sudo upgrades”, but really although it’s a stupid name, I’ve kept it because I’ve gotten in the habit of typing it. You don’t need the echo lines of course, but it helps me when I watch it. :slight_smile:


Thanks for all replys, it helps a lot!

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