I don’t see any RSS feed on this website, is there any particular reason for this?
I didn’t find one for the forum homepage itself (https://ubuntu-mate.community/), but looking at the source for the “Latest” page (https://ubuntu-mate.community/latest), I see two feeds, one for “Latest topics” (https://ubuntu-mate.community/latest.rss) and one for “Latest posts” (https://ubuntu-mate.community/posts.rss). Topics themselves, such as this one, also have their own feeds. (The feed for this topic is https://ubuntu-mate.community/t/why-no-rss-feed/7917.rss.)
There might be other feeds for other pages. I just opened the page source (control-u in Firefox) and searched for “.rss”.
So this is strange, i’m running firefox on UM16.04 and can’t click rss icon for this site but on other discourse forums I can always click it i.e. firefox finds it automatically. Not sure what could that be.
No particular reason. It looks like Discourse does support RSS feeds after all, as @abrowne discovered, but there are no options to set here for RSS.
I have an extension in Chrome (but disabled as rarely used) that shows an icon on RSS-enabled websites, but it didn’t seem to show one on here either. Hmm. Could it be the version of Discourse that’s in use here?
I read this forum’s RSS-feeds in Feedly since ca.2 months now.
Works for latest/new topics, new posts.
Or that it just not configured to serve RSS… someone should take a look at it.