WiFi not detected on Acer Swift 3 laptop

System: Acer 14” Swift 3 laptop, iCore 5, MATE 2022.04.01, kernel 5.15.0-56-generic, wireless Wi-Fi 6E, dual boot Win 11 and Ubuntu-MATE.

Problem: MATE 2022.04.01 on Acer Swift 3 laptop (Model No: SF314-512) does not see/detect onboard WiFi due to missing driver.

I have read that kernel 5.17 includes "in kernel" the necessary driver. Given that, I tried from Linuxconfig.org:

How to Upgrade Ubuntu Linux Kernel

The kernel on your Ubuntu 22.04 Linux system should get upgraded along with all the other software packages you have installed. You can either use the GUI Software Updater tool, or run the following commands in terminal to upgrade the system kernel to the latest version:

$ sudo apt update $
sudo apt full-upgrade

It did not change the kernel version. Anyone have success in changing the 5.15 kernel to a later version in MATE 22.04.01?

AFIK the LTS uses the 5.15 series. My system updated to one in image.:

Might you go to page showing instructions you used as link takes to a landing page, not instruction page.

The 5.17 kernel information I found elsewhere was using a PPA located here:



You probably don't need a new kernel but you are definitely missing firmware.

Intel does a pretty good job of explaining how to install what you need, so please read the following information carefully

To find out which model Intel®Killer™ wifi chipset you have, you best issue this command in a terminal:

lspci | grep -i net

You have shown what I suspected, ie, the upgrade only addresses the patches, not the "core" kernel. Thanks for responding and the confirmation.

After some thot, and reinstalling 22.04.1 (since the system got messed up trying other methods than the one I referred to), I am simply going to purchase a micro dongle. A Belkin dongle gives me WiFi, but the dongle extends over 3" from the case which makes it vulnerable to getting struck. And of course, the Win11 on board accesses the onboard WiFi.

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I would try @tkn 's suggestion first. On my UM22.04.1 the command shows my Intel Wireless adapter while not the one in your box.


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what does tkn mean or how use "@tkn"?

That's me, the other responder :slight_smile:

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See the blue circle with a T in post #3 which offers procedures that may pertain to your issue. If you click on circle it will bring up information about tkn. The @tkn is a mention.
Late reply just finished typing when @tkn posted. :grinning:

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And what @mendy said:
type this in a terminal

lspci | grep -i net
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@tkn - oops (how about me scrolling up), not used to how things work on this site. I am on it and will respond a little later in the day re results - I searched but never saw the links you just posted.

And yet another method sweep select and click on the " Quote box that pops up. Edit it then puts the Circle T tkn: quoted information from that post.


o.k. Bottom line is that I am going to leave things alone after reinstalling MATE. I will purchase a micro wifi USB adapter(dongle). Then hope that Mate 2024.04LTS will include a kernel which incorporates the driver needed.

I looked at the links, and realize that I had already had pursued what what was offered. After reinstalling MATE 22.04.1 to get things right again on the laptop, I went to /usr/lib/firmware and see that the the Intel posted driver files for kernels 5.1+ , 5.2+ , 5.10+ are already in /usr/lib/firmware. So no dice.

Thank you for ideas and taking an interest in the laptop Wifi problem.


You won't have to wait, you can install kernel version 5.19 now !

it is not standard installed but it is in the repository and actually meant for usecases like yours :slight_smile:

sudo apt install linux-generic-hwe-22.04-edge

Well, after stirring up the dust, problem is solved. I should have researched (googled) sooner - turns out MATE 22.10 has linux kernel 5.19. AND THAT DID THE TRICK. I simply did a reinstall over MATE 22.04.

Thanks to all for the interest in helping me.

I went with MATE 22.10 as it is an all new setup, dual boot on new ACER Swift 3.


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