Windows media audio 8 decoder

Hey guys for a couple of days i can´t play a lot of my music anymore.
I get the message: windows media audio 8 decoder is missing.

i ave installed all additional gstreamer codecs.

Thanks for any help and have a nice day.

Hello PatRick08

What media player are you using?

Open a terminal

Ctrl + Alt + T

and enter

inxi -S

Please post the output.

Hi v3xx,
I use rythmbox.

The output is the following:

Sensors: None detected - is lm-sensors installed and configured?

Thanks so far.

That is the output of "inxi -s". Please post the output of "inxi -S">

Oh, excuse me.

Then this is hopefully the right one:

System: Host: patrick-Aspire-V5-571G Kernel: 4.4.0-62-generic x86_64 (64 bit) Desktop: MATE 1.16.1
Distro: Ubuntu 16.04 xenial

No problem

I first thought that you may be running an outdated version, but you have a fully updated install with the 1.16 desktop.

So it looks like you have been hit with this bug.

Since this is a known problem I assume there is a good change it will be solve by a future update.
Would you agree with me?

Yes, I’d assume this will be fixed in a future update.

Thanks for your help.
It is really a great community here.

FYI, the fix was released.

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Great, thanks a lot for this information.
I updated my software, but unfortunately it doesn't work.
Now i get this message when i try to play a song.

Maybe it takes some days to be fixed with the regular updates?

What happens when you click the Install button?

The window disappears.
But when i tr to play the song after this the same message pops up again.

What happens when you run “sudo apt install gstreamer1.0-libav:i386” from a terminal?

It couldn’t be installed because of dependences on libavfilter-ffmpeg5:i386 (>= 7:2.4) and
libavformat-ffmpeg56:i386 (>= 7:2.4), which should not be installed like the error message says.

Thanks for your help.

I got an gstreamer update today via the regular updates.
Now I an listen to all my music again.

Thanks for your help and tips.