Wireless keyboard and usb wifi will coexits in RaspberryPi2


I want to use wireless keyboard & mouse along with usb wifi(2.4GHz) in my raspberry Pi2.

Will it have any coexistant issues?
will it be reliable to go for this combination.

Suggestion please.

Thanks and Regards,
Ashok Kumar Ponnaiah

The Raspberry Pi in my house uses both – a wireless 2.4 GHz nano USB adapter as well as a nano USB wireless receiver for a wireless keyboard (with touchpad). Neither of them have interference, it’ll vary by hardware.

One possible problem could be the drivers – Ralink hardware, for example, will be a pain since they need compiling - you’d be lucky if the driver supports ARM (our stick didn’t). To avoid inconveniences later, try to go for brands that definitely have Linux support.

We bought the wireless stick from The Pi Hut – it’s supported out-of-the-box, no problems!


I am running a RPi2 with Mate. I also have a Wireless keyboard/mouse and a wifi dongle…everything works fine, with the exception that i don’t get the rated wifi speeds( to be expected?) Other than that, it is very possible, and in my case, naturally supported …