X2GO not working in Ubuntu docker container

Hi, I have followed the instruction on https://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/doc:installation:start to install x2go server on a Ubuntu docker container and x2go client on a Window10 computer. However when I tried to connect the server by the client, it simply times out. Do you have any idea what went wrong or how to debug it?

A timeout could indicate the client is unable to reach the container - I'm not terribly familiar with Docker, but check the SSH port (22) is open and you can SSH into the "server" from the Windows 10 computer. PuTTY works for this.

On the other hand, try manually specifying the desktop environment on the client, in case authentication is successful and it hangs at that point:

Really appreciate for your quick response! I checked the ssh connection of the docker container and found it not working. I’ll go deal with it and see if the problem can be solved.

Can you ping from win10 -> docker?
you might need to expose the port(s) outside of docker.
I suspect first, you need to expose the port(s) and second, check if docker needs some NAT rules. See this link, NAT section, http://blog.oddbit.com/2014/08/11/four-ways-to-connect-a-docker/

Thanks for your advice, I have eposed the 22 port inside the container to 2222 port outside the container. However when I try to ssh roo@(The ip address got using ifconfig inside the container) -p 2222, I just got a “Resource temporarily unavailable” error. I can ssh to other machine from the container, however. Is NAT rules needed? I’m not famillar with it, but I will give it a try.

some examples … https://github.com/jeroenpeeters/docker-ssh

Thanks to your help I’m now able to ssh into my container! However when I try to use x2go client to connect to my sever, a blank diag occured, it’s title is Authentication Failed. The docker-ssh reports a Malformed packet error. DO you have any idea to solve it?

Also I’m sure the password is correct.

So we know SSH is working, the problem now lies in X2GO, possibly on the Windows client. If you have Ubuntu MATE lying around, you could boot into a live session to double check the server is not at fault.

When looking up the issue, this sounds like the closest to the problem:

The top answer advises to create a key pairs if it’s a passwordless login (using private/public keys) but the bottom answer mentions a checkbox in the connection properties which reads “Try auto login” for either a password or passwordless login – try unchecking that.

If you’ve got a screenshot of the exact error, please do upload here :slight_smile:

Glad ssh is working … on the docker side, check /var/log/auth.log You may have to reinstall the x2go server in your container, there is an sqlite db that records logins, sessions for x2go. Or you can try tail -f /var/log/auth.log on the server while you’re attempting to connect from the win10 client to see what’s happening …

Actually I have googled a lot and have seen this post before I ask for help. But I guess this is a error about failing to skip the procedure of inputing username and password. However in my case I just fail to connect to the server.
The error on the docker-ssh side is like this: https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/9963412/44836330-3aa16780-ac69-11e8-8043-53b3b107d25a.png
The error on the client side is like this:

In my container there seems to be no such file. I guess the file should be in the container of docker-ssh. However, the container of docker-ssh is running in a listening mode without access to its bash. I tried to run it with “docker run -it image_name /bin/bash”. But it seems that there is no such file(/bin/bash) in the image…

So, if I understand, the docker image is just docker-ssh in listening mode. I suspect x2go would not play nice. Can test with a normal docker image that has bash and the usual goodies … I don’t have a docker setup handy to test right now. Sorry.

The situation proceeds again! I found that the error above was because docker-ssh recommend AUTH_MECHANISM=noAuth by default. After change the mode to simpleAuth, I was able to pass the auth part. Then it comes to resizing the window:

I have no idea with it, I will post this bug to docker-ssh github for a try. Thanks for your help!